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UK Bird Pics Spring/Summer 2018

  Dipper, Linton Falls, North Yorkshire

31 August 2018

On our last day, the weather was much improved and so I was resolved to have another go at Linton Falls for the dipper. From my previous visit, I'd worked out the best place to wait and reckoned the light would be better in the early evening.

The Dipper initially showed shortly after arrival but then disappeared, returning only just as I was packing up to go! This time the sun was out more of the time and getting low in the sky which resulted in the nice lighting on some of these shots. Of the thousands I took over these visits, here is a selection of my favourites.

To see a gallery with some more shots, click here.

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Dipper, Linton Falls, North Yorkshire

31 August 2018

See above.

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Dipper, Linton Falls, North Yorkshire

31 August 2018

See above. 

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Dipper, Linton Falls, North Yorkshire

31 August 2018

See above. 

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Dipper, Linton Falls, North Yorkshire

31 August 2018

See above. 

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Dipper, Linton Falls, North Yorkshire

31 August 2018

See above.

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   Nuthatch, Leighton Moss RSPB, Lancs

30 August 2018

See below.

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   Nuthatch, Leighton Moss RSPB, Lancs

30 August 2018

On the way to the Lower hide someone had been leaving seed on the gate posts and this adjacent nice mossy stump. A nice collection of birds were being attracted by this.

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  Otter (and friends),  Leighton Moss RSPB, Lancs

30 August 2018

On arrival at this reserve we were told about an Otter that had been showing at the Causeway hide but presumed it had been early morning only.

However to our surprise, on arrival there late morning, we were told by someone in the hide that it was still showing, albeit somewhat distantly, and had been for the last two hours. It remained in view for some considerable time, catching fish/eels and periodically returning to this rocky island to eat the larger ones. This Heron was showing interest (presumably because of the fish) and also note a Greenshank partially in view as well.

A local said such Otter sightings were not unusual here, especially later in the year, and they can come closer...
   Dipper, Linton Falls, North Yorkshire

28 August 2018

A couple of days earlier we had been on a walk past these falls where a Dipper was showing both at the start of the walk and on our return a few hours later.

Today I spent several hours trying to get good shots but it took me a long time to work out where the best place was to wait and the bird was generally distant. Also the day was overcast and the light poor. This was probably the best a very large number of photos I took that day. 

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  Tawny Owl, Appletreewick, North Yorkshire

25 August 2018

At dusk on the first evening of our stay in Appletreewick, from the conservatory of our holiday cottage, we first had a fleeting glimpse of a Barn Owl flying across. This was closely followed by something large and brown that settled on the nearby fence - this Tawny Owl!

Carefully opening the window and grabbing the camera, I managed to rattle off a few shots before it flew off to start its hunting for the night. However the light had gone and the tripod wasn't close by, so this was hand held at 1/10 sec! So not the sharpest image but it is a  remarkable tribute to the IS in the 500f4 II that anything at all worthwhile came out.

I've never seen a Tawny Owl out in the open like this in daylight (or what little was left of it!).

Despite setting up with the camera and tripod most evenings later that week, it never re-appeared, although the Barn Owl gave glimpses most days.

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  Avocet, Slimbridge WWT, Gloucestershire

2 August 2018

There were a few Avocets on Rushy Pen, trying to chase off any other large waders that appeared (e.g. Blackwits). 

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  Green Sandpiper, Slimbridge WWT, Gloucestershire

2 August 2018

See below. This was on Rushy Pen and came really close - just below the "hide"!

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Green Sandpiper, Slimbridge WWT, Gloucestershire

2 August 2018

The place was full of Green Sands on this visit! This was from the Robbie Garnett hide.
  Common Tern, Lodmoor, Dorset

4 July 2018

Crop of the photo below. 
Common Tern, Lodmoor, Dorset

4 July 2018

From the viewing point along the southern path.
  Grey Plover, Lodmoor, Dorset

4 July 2018

Back to more routine fare after the marvellous encounters with Colin below...

There seemed nothing much along the western path in the afternoon of a grey day, but after waiting a bit this nice Grey PLover suddenly flew in and started feeding on the mud in front of me. It even came closer a bit closer until it seemed to be disturbed by another birder fiddling around with a bird book in a white bag!
  Cuckoo, Thursley Common

16 June 2018

Couldn't resist going back to say good bye to Colin before he heads off to Africa, very shortly!

This time, with some assistance from another Colin and some willing helpers, I tried for some landing shots.

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Cuckoo, Thursley Common

16 June 2018

As above

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Cuckoo, Thursley Common

16 June 2018

As above

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Cuckoo, Thursley Common

16 June 2018

As above

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  Redstart, Thursley Common

16 June 2018

This very obliging Redstart appeared regularly and was a good subject while Colin was absent, which he was for long periods. Unfortunately this bird was ringed - no idea why and what the purpose was.

This was a very close approach!

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Redstart, Thursley Common

16 June 2018

Normally so wary, this bird had little fear of photographers! What a refreshing change!

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  Cuckoo, Thursley Common

12 May 2018

"Colin" the Cuckoo appeared twice while I was there. The first at c. 11:45 and the second about 2 hours later, by which time it had started to rain.

What an amazing bird!

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To see a mini gallery of photos of this bird click here.
Cuckoo, Thursley Common

12 May 2018

Extraordinarily close - on the same log as the Redstart below!

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To see a mini gallery of photos of this bird click here.
Cuckoo, Thursley Common

12 May 2018

On the ground coming towards us!

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To see a mini gallery of photos of this bird click here.
  Redstart, Thursley Common

12 May 2018

A pair appeared periodically but more frequently than the Cuckoo!
Redstart, Thursley Common

12 May 2018

Incredibly close on this log! Pity the male didn't pose as well.

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  Stonechat Stonechat, Thursley Common

12 May 2018

Another diversion while waiting for the Cuckoo
  Woodlark, Thursley Common

12 May 2018

A pair of Woodlark made an appearance from time to time while waiting for the Cuckoo to appear. They never came very close, but made an interesting diversion. My first pic of this species as well!
  Coot Coot, Farlington Marshes, Hampshire

6 May 2018

Hoped for a memorable shot but I'm not sure I achieved it! Very much into the sun but there wasn't much I could do about that.
  Meadow Pipit, Farlington Marshes, Hampshire

6 May 2018

Somewhat closer than the Ruff below!

   Ruff Titchfield Haven Ruff, Titchfield Haven, Hampshire

5 May 2018

A frustrating but nice bird almost in full summer plumage! It spent most of its time on a patch of mud well away from the hide. Only one or twice did it stray closer and when it did it was constantly feeding.

This was the one shot I got with it sideways on, and well light by the sun, but it was at a considerable distance.

© All pictures copyright Stephen Burch

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