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Species Index for UK bird pics: Shrikes to Buntings
(including Oxfordshire)

Isabelline Shrike Gosport, Hampshire 11.9.10
BROWN SHRIKE Staines Moor, Surrey 17.10.09
Great Grey Shrike * South Leigh, Oxon 23.3.12
Great Grey Shrike * Chiselhampton, Oxon 6.2.10
Great Grey Shrike Yarnton, Oxon 20.3.05
Red backed Shrike Churn, Oxon 26.07.15
Red-backed Shrike ** Everleigh, Wiltshire

Jay ** South Wales 12.4.22
Jay ** South Wales 21.10.21
Jay ** Adel Dam YWT, Leeds, West Yorkshire 5.1.19
Jay ** Coate Water, Swindon, Wiltshire 28.12.18
Chough **  Ardnave Point, Islay, Scotland 10.7.24

Dingle Peninsula, Ireland

Carrion Crow & Moorhen * Venus Pool, Shropshire 14.5.16
Rook * Harwell, Oxon 4.4.07
Raven Crummack Dale, Yorkshire 31.8.09

Rose coloured Starling * Lodmoor, Dorset 10.10.16
Rose coloured Starling * Forest Hill, Oxon 8.11.09
Starlings * Otmoor, Oxon 19.11.16
Starling * Garden 22.5.06

Finches, Sparrows and Buntings  
Tree Sparrow ** Welney WWT 30.11.19
Tree Sparrow ** Bempton Cliffs RSPB, Yorks 3.10.18

Tree Sparrow *

Loch of Strathbeg, Aberdeenshire 18.02.09
Tree Sparrow * Bampton, Oxon 17.1.09
Tree Sparrow * Rushey Lock, Oxon 22.1.06
Chaffinch Bushy Leaze Copse 22.3.14
Chaffinch ** Home 8.2.07
Greenfinch ** South Wales 12.4.21
Greenfinch ** Otterbourne, Hampshire 15.4.21
Greenfinch * Home 3.6.07
Goldfinch ** Home 4.4.21
Goldfinch ** Home 3.4.21
Goldfinch ** Home 26.4.20
Goldfinch ** Home 24.4.20
Goldfinch ** Home 23.4.20
Goldfinch ** Home 16.4.20
Goldfinch ** Home 13.4.20
Goldfinch ** Home 11.4.20
Goldfinch ** Home 5.4.20
Goldfinch ** Home 2.4.20
Goldfinch * Downs, Oxon/Wilts 22.6.13
Goldfinch * Home 3.6.07
Goldfinch * Wantage, Oxon 3.6.06
Goldfinch ** Garden 11.5.06
Brambling * Barbury Castle, Wiltshire 30.1.16

Bramblings **

Near Goring, Oxon 02.2.08
Brambling Lavell's Lake, Berks 18.3.06
Bullfinch ** Otterbourne, Hampshire 15.4.21 
Bullfinch Otmoor, Oxon 7.2.15
Hawfinch * Ardington, Oxon 24.3.18
Hawfinch ** Romsey, Hampshire 24.2.18
Hawfinch * Romsey, Hampshire 12.2.18
Hawfinch * Northmoor, Oxon 6.1.18
Hawfinch Ardington, Oxon 29.12.17
Hawfinch Barnard Gate, Oxon 2.12.17
Hawfinch * Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire 25.3.15
Crossbill ** Buckland, Oxon 12.11.20
Crossbill * Buckland Warren, Oxon 7.12.18
Siskin ** South Wales 12.4.22
Siskin * Abingdon Sewage Works 1.2.14
Siskin * Witney Lake, Oxon 15.1.11
Linnet ** Scary Hill, Downs, Oxon 30.12.16
Linnet ** Otmoor, Oxon 7.2.15
Linnet ** Berkshire Downs, Oxon/Wilts 22.6.13
Twite ** Loch Euphort, North Uist, Scotland 11.5.23
Twite * Thornham, Norfolk 6.12.19
Common (Mealy) Redpoll Titchwell, Norfolk 26.11.11
Common (Mealy) Redpoll * Milcombe, near Banbury, Oxon 18.2.11
Lapland Bunting * Blakeney Freshmarsh, Norfolk 28.2.16
Lapland Bunting * Farmoor, Oxon 17.9.11
Snow Bunting ** Dun Hill, nr Burnham Overy Staithe, Norfolk 28.2.16
Snow Bunting * Farmoor, Oxon 12.11.11
Snow Bunting ** Newlyn, Cornwall 7.10.10
Corn Bunting ** Letcombe Bassett 27.10.22
Corn Bunting * Westcot Down, Oxon 4.6.16
Corn Bunting * Downs, Oxon 6.12.14
Corn Bunting * Bury Down, Berks 27.04.13
Reed Bunting ** Otmoor, Oxon 12.4.19
Reed Bunting ** Farmoor (Pinkhill), Oxon 28.3.13
Reed Bunting ** Otmoor, Oxon 15.5.10
Reed Bunting * Otmoor, Oxon 14.3.09
Reed Bunting * Bampton, Oxon 17.1.09
Reed Bunting (male) * Lashford Lane Fen, Oxon 5.3.05
Reed Bunting Lashford Lane Fen, Oxon 21.2.04
Yellowhammer ** Scary Hill, Downs, Oxon 30.12.16
Yellowhammer * Berkshire Downs, Oxon 23.7.11

Key to numbers of stars:
The quality of the pics listed above clearly varies, and you will see that it has generally improved with time! As a rough guide, the starred pictures are better than average, as follows:
* - 'reasonable' pic - either some of my best digiscope, or a reasonably good DSLR
** - 'best' pics - two stars indicates what I think are my current best pictures (nearly all DSLR)

© All pictures copyright Stephen Burch

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